Liam Lately

3:35 PM

I Love Sundays. Naps, excessive lunch, doing a whole lot of nothing... does it get any better?!

My littlest man isn't so little anymore! He had his 4 month check up (and shots. BOO!) 2 weeks ago and weighed 16 pounds! Talk about a chunk!

He looks just like his daddy... STILL! I swear if I had not given birth to him I wouldn't think he was mine!!

He ADORES bath time! Splashing and soaking mom is his favorite part... the actual bathing part not so much. Who knew bathing an infant was like trying to bathe a fish!

He gets better at sitting up every day. He is slowly developing a shorter attention span... which means mommy has to add in more and more activities into the rotation between naps!!

He is steadily outgrowing clothes. I feel like I spend all of my time packing away things that don't fit and digging out clothes that do! Luckily he has a cousin just a bit older than he is, so we have a generous box of hand-me-downs!

Like his mommy, he loves dogs. Especially Jonah. Thankfully all the dogs love him too!

Worst mom ever? Who cares... I'm thankful for ridiculously stupid, bright colored shows that keep him occupied (We LOVE The Cat and The Hat!). I'm even more thankful for an iPad and Netflix... now he has a "TV" in "his room". This has proven priceless now that we are living in the "mother in-law's suite" of my parent's house, so we don't always have free TV reign in the living room!

Outside is his most favorite place to be! Daddy is an avid fisherman and my parents have a large, well stocked pond. Three guesses where daddy spends most of his free time!? We stroller up and head down to fish with him!

He also has some rocking sunglasses (that he DOES NOT like to wear... but they make cute pics!) Thank You Target Dollar Section!!

and finally... this is Daddy's idea of babysitting. We were still packing and moving at the time. This is how I found him. I suppose moving boxes are handy changing pads?

His newest most favoritest thing to do is pitch a screaming, arms flying, legs kicking fit to protest nap time. We're in the middle of a tiny little cry it out session as we speak. (Please CIO protestors do not send me emails telling me how awful it is and what a bad mom I am... I won't read them.) Unfortunately for him, mommy always wins. For now.

Happy Sunday!

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