
8:23 AM

For those of you that made raising children look so glamorous, I hate you. Maybe hate isn't the best word there but I'm exhausted and cranky and that always brings out my greatest child-like attitude and vocabulary which often result in lots of I hate yous and you're not the boss of mes. Apparently run-on sentences as well.

I had the most unglamorous mom moment last night/this morning. It was horrible and embarrassingly disgusting. I'm sharing anyways... don't judge me.

At approximately 1:00 am after feeding, burping, changing, feeding again, burping again, rocking, cuddling, trying to put back in bed, failing, consoling, trying again, failing again, trying again and failing the third time for over an hour; I set my child down in his bed and walked out.

That's right.

That moment was pure, overwhelming exhaustion and desperation.

After a moment... several moments... of breathing and crying, I returned. Luckily, I found my fantabulous husband with baby in arms. Still crying I might add.

Daddy managed to get baby to sleep. Thank You Jesus.

Now my guilt is overwhelming. My ONLY job is to take care of that kid, and I walked out on him. Tears.

I'm going now to wallow in my sorrows...

Better days ahead? I hope so.


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  1. girl, I have not even begin to do what you are beautifully accomplishing with Liam, but from what I hear...it's not supposed to be easy! :-) It sounds like you have an amazing support system in Will and that you two are a wonderful team for Liam, he is lucky to have you both. And on the harder days just remember what Charlotte said:
    Chin up, chin up
    Put a little laughter in your eyes
    Brave it, save it
    Even though you're feeling otherwise
    Rise up, wise up
    Make a little smile begin
    You'll be happy hearted
    Once you get it started



  2. I know this is hard on a new mother. I have been there. Somehow we manage to get the job done, but please take care of yourself. Let trusted family and friends help you (this is not a weakness). You can't be there for him if you are beat down. Get refreshed and come back strong.
    I love you, Mom2
