Thirty-six Weeks

6:52 PM

Thirty-six weeks of gestation (sounds so fancy!) is apparently the point in pregnancy in which you lose your mind. Maybe it's the big 36 week appointment at which you become violated by your OB doctor like never before, or maybe it's the sleep deprived, slightly-panicked-because-things-aren't-ready-yet state that brings about total mind meltdown. Is there a "C, all of the above"?

Not only does my brain no longer function properly (according to experts, it never will again...) but now I'm nesting. Seriously. Suddenly I have the urge to scrub base boards and clean behind things!? What the heck!? Now, I don't keep a messy house to start with so there isn't tons to be done, but I'm 30 pounds heavier than normal and I waddle like a duck and I can't lift or bend or pull on earth am I supposed to deep clean?

I'm trying to make the most of the desire while I have it. Today I returned duplicate gifts to the store and then did some shopping for Liam's nursery. I washed all of his newborn clothes, blankets, burp clothes, towels and rags, etc. I packed my hospital bag and his diaper bag, outfitted the car with the car seat, started to tackle the insanity that is the nursery (and made some progress!), made a donation bag for goodwill, and listed some items on craigslist. I know that doesn't seem like much, but that is huge compared to what I have been doing... Which is a whole lot of nothing!! I am hoping I can be just as successful tomorrow so I can call it a productive weekend and feel slightly more at ease about going into labor randomly this week.

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