Stay At Home Mom

10:09 AM

Today is Tuesday and is day T-W-O of my newest official title, Stay At Home Mom... sans the actual mom part considering my first born is still unborn. Regardless, my last day of work was Friday and I now stay at home. It is quite bittersweet, actually. As much as I am excited for my little Liam's arrival, I will dearly miss all of the girls I worked with at the ol' PFW. 

It's been all cleaning all the time around here the past two days, and by that I do mean the "Pregnant Lady" version. It may not seem as though I've done much, but if you take what I've done and add the Pregnant Lady part, you will see that in reality I have done the equivalent of climbing Mt. Everest. It's not easy bent over a bathtub scrubbing with this massive belly. Not to mention, exhaustion happens by merely walking to the fridge to refill my water... any more than that is sheer woman-powered-will.

Not only am I nesting a wee bit, I'm also having a slight meltdown about visitors and the like to my humble abode. Cleaning is the only solution. I'm also bound and determined to "show" my husband that I promise to actually do things besides just stay at home! "Earn My Keep" if you will. I feel so strongly that with my new title of SAHM comes the responsibility of not only caring for my child, but also for my home. The more I study about God's desires and plans for me as a wife and mother, the more I see my responsibility in running our home.

"She carefully watches everything in her household
      and suffers nothing from laziness." Proverbs 31:27

Not quite God's word, but I thought it was funny...

"Housework is what a woman does that nobody notices unless she hasn't done it." -Evan Esar

Deep down inside, I know it has always been my responsibility to care for our home... I was just slightly less convicted about it when I worked as many hours a week as my husband AND had no wee babe to look after. Luckily I have a wonderful husband who has loved me for four and one half years regardless... and he cleans too!

Anyways... I've been cleaning, sitting, cleaning, sitting for two days! I've actually made a bit of progress and feel slightly more prepared for Liam's arrival. I even made a little list of all the "chores" that need to be done around the house and broke it down into things that need to be done everyday or once a week or once a month. I'm OCD... I can't help it... I like a list! Maybe breaking it down by room and how often it needs doing will make the daunting task of a "spotless" house slightly more manageable and realistic... and make me more motivated to do it!

I'm hoping the key to home management success is organization and little projects. So far it has worked! I've done some deep cleaning and had dinner ready for the hubs without totally overexerting myself both days of my new "job"... now to add in the baby :)

On another Preggo note... I caved and did some Maternity Pictures. I REALLY wanted to do them about 30-32 weeks before I looked like a whale. Unfortunately, the timing and arrangements just would not work in my favor. I had decided not to do them because I'm so swollen and don't want to remember myself full of fluid and 40 pounds heavier than I should be; however, I knew if I didn't do them I would regret it. After all, I won't be this big forever... or so I've been told... at this point I'm still not totally convinced that my body can go back to pre-pregnancy size. 

SO... here are some not so glamorous 38 weeks and 2 days Preggo photos! Enjoy!

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