The Cheater's Guide to Chicken & Waffles

5:55 PM

Chicken & Waffles. Best. Food. Ever. Never heard of it? Well, you're probably not from the south. No worries, Wikipedia knows all.

UNFORTUNATELY... it's generally not a food option. Several Factors play into this scenario...
1) Finding a restaurant that serves Chicken & Waffles is nearly impossible. I have definitely never seen it locally.
2) I don't own a Waffle Iron. Sad truth.
3) In my current 9 month Preggo state... The act of standing over a stovetop frying chicken is completely unappealing.

Go figure 9 months Preggo is when I crave Chicken & Waffles!

What's a girl to do?


Here's the Cheater's Guide to Chicken and Waffles. Same taste... less work.

What you'll need:
Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
Tony Chachere's Seasoning (or whatever seasonings you like for fried chicken)
Frozen Waffles (NO, I'M NOT JOKING)
Maple Syrup
Ziploc Bag
Baking Dish

ummm.... and an oven and a toaster... but those are probably obvious... as is plate, fork, knife, etc. but just in case you were unaware, now you know.

I don't measure and I'm bad a giving directions :) Here Goes...

Thaw Your Chicken.

YUM! Chicken!
Heat Oven to 425 degrees.
Put Flour and Seasoning into Ziploc Bag and mix. (I do a 2:1 ratio)

Best Ever! Try It!
Melt Butter in Baking Dish (I used 1/4 cup for an 8x8 dish)
Place Chicken into Ziploc Bag and shake until the chicken is covered with the flour mixture.
Remove Chicken from Ziploc Bag and place in Baking Dish.

Ready to go into the oven!
Bake for 20 minutes.

Flip Chicken.

Bake for another 20 minutes.

Voila! Oven Baked Fried Chicken. It makes no sense, I know.

Now the tricky part...


(please excuse my dirty toaster)

My "plating" skills leave much to be desired... darn you food network!
It may not look like much, but that was AWESOME! The perfect combination of sweet and salty, carbs and protein, soft and crunchy....

I'm drooling over my empty plate!

It's not just a pregnancy thing! I promise it's fab and much easier than actually frying chicken and making waffles!

Happy Wednesday!

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